Benefits of Chamomile Tea

If you’re a fan of Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit stories, you’ll know that Peter’s mom gave him chamomile after he had consumed too many vegetables from Mr. McGregor and had a stomachache. She knows the benefits of chamomile tea. Chamomile tea, or tisane, can soothe an upset stomach. It also works well for PMS/PMT symptoms such as period pains and irritability. It can help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and colon pains. I personally have a spastic colon.

It is misleading to call this tea, as there is no tea used in making this drink. Chamomile tisane might be a better name for this drink. It’s soothing, and it not only calms a troubled stomach but also soothes frazzled nerves – the perfect drink after a long day of work or for a relaxing nightcap that won’t keep your eyes open at night. You can sleep well even without supporting evidence and clinical trials. It is mildly sedative and can soothe the body and mind.

BlessedTea® Chamomile Flowers and Buds Tea has a light, sweet and apple-like taste, which is slightly soothing and relaxing for all ages. Our Chamomile Flowers are sourced from the finest organic properties in India from trusted sources. Enjoy our delicious and naturally caffeine-free BlessedTea® India Chamomile Tea as an early morning or late evening tea, as it is known to provide you a deep and sound sleep. This delightful tea has a lovely floral flavour and refreshingly sweet aroma. It can be enjoyed one or more times a day, either hot or cold.

benefits of Chamomile Tea

Best Benefits of Chamomile Tea

A tisane can be made by adding one ounce of the chopped tops, leaves, and flowers to one pint of boiling water. Allow the herbs and leaves to steep in the boiling water for 5 minutes. The liquid should be strained and cooled for 15 minutes. Add honey to sweeten the drink.

You can also use tisane without honey to soothe your skin. Chamomile tea can be applied to itchy skin with cotton wool. It can also be used to soothe sunburnt skin to gain the benefits of chamomile tea.

A decoction of chamomile can be used to lighten blond hair. It is made the same as the tisane. The herb is boiled in water and then boiled in boiling water until it has been reduced by half. To highlight and shine your hair, use the water to rinse it.

Poultices were used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to accelerate wound healing. Although tisane may be helpful in managing diabetes, you should not use it if you are allergic to members of the daisy tree.

Although some clinical trials suggest that chamomile extracts may be able to treat certain cancerous cells in some cases, research is still ongoing, so no definitive conclusions can be drawn. However, it can boost immunity and prevent winter chills. Warm chamomile tea will make a cold go away faster.

For a healthier winter, be prepared by drinking chamomile tea every day.

It seems that brewing chamomile tea is a simple process and requires little thought. But is this really true? It’s often hot water and tea that is used to make tea. Even though this may be true, there are details you might overlook that could cause your next cup to not turn out as expected or spoil the benefits of chamomile tea.

The first question you might ask is “to boil, or not boil?” Tea drinkers may prefer to boil your chamomile flowers instead of boiling them in water. Both of these options are possible, but I prefer steeping my chamomile flowers rather than boiling them. Because I find that heating the oils that seep from the chamomile to boiling point can make them taste less sharp and muted. However, keeping the oils below boiling point helps to retain the brighter notes of the Chamomile. Some claim that boiling chamomile causes it to turn bitter. However, this is not something I have experienced with any of my boiling experiences. Both methods can be used to prepare chamomile tea. It is up to you whether you prefer stronger or weaker tasting teas. It is important to remember that your tea should be brewed in a covered vessel

The strength of your tea will determine how many chamomile flowers you use. My preference is somewhere in the middle: strong enough that you can taste the pineapple and floral flavors, but not too strong that it becomes almost acidic. My general rule is to add one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to every cup of water, or one tablespoon of fresh chamomile. The dried flowers shrink in size but retain their oils. This will result in a stronger tea than if you use the same amount of fresh flowers.

The strength of your tea will determine the time it takes to brew your tea. You should steep chamomile tea for between five and fifteen minutes. You might notice that your tea doesn’t have the chance to develop much flavor. Any longer and your tea could become tangy (not to be confused for a bitter after-taste). It all depends on your taste preferences. Some people prefer weaker teas, while others enjoy the tangy after-taste.

Read this Articles to learn 15 more Benefits of Chamomile Tea

The final question is what you put in your tea. You can choose from sugar, cream, milk, cream, honey, or lemon. Some tea purists may tell you that adding any ingredient to your chamomile tea will ruin the flavor and make it taste less delicious. You can add milk to make chamomile tea a great breakfast drink. Chamomile tea can also be cooled with sugar for a refreshing summer refreshment. Honey can also be added to the tea to soothe a sore throat. I prefer lemon juice, but not the zest. Lemon zest is a great way to perfume your tea without sacrificing the flavor.

The benefits of chamomile tea are not the only reason to have a cup. There are many other reasons to drink a cup. You can experiment with different methods to create your perfect cup.

Our Dried Chamomile Flowers and Buds Tea is made from only the best chamomile flowers and buds which are hand-picked by the local farmers, dried, and packaged with care. Chamomile tea has tremendous health benefits including healthy skin, improved sleep, and heart health.


BlessedTea® India

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